Sub Club x H+P・Daphni & Andrew Thomson

Sub Club x H+P・Daphni & Andrew Thomson

4th May 2018 11pm - 4am
Greenwich Mean Time
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2018-05-04 23:00:00 2018-05-05 04:00:00 Europe/London Sub Club x H+P・Daphni & Andrew Thomson 22 Jamaica Street, Glasgow, G1


Second release
£18.00 + £1.80 fee

Sold Out

First release
£15.00 + £1.88 fee

Sale Ended

Event Details

We first emailed the agent who represents Dan Snaith (Caribou / Daphni) back in July of 2008 and after many, many, MAAAAANY subsequent follow ups since, we're VERY excited to announce that Daphni will be coming to Glasgow!

2008 must have been on the back of being mesmerised by Andorra album, particularly Niobe. A few years later, Dan recorded a very influential and memorable podcast for the Allez Allez site and we wanted to do something with him even more.. then Swim happened, then along came his game-changing Resident Advisor podcast, then the Daphni album and on and on..
Eventually we went on to work on some outstanding shows together; including the first time he met Floating Points (Plastic People, 2011), a party with Nozinja of Shangaan Electro and of course, the infamous 8hr long Daphni album launch (Bussey Building 2012). 
But we stopped promoting, right? Yes! And we tried really hard to fit this into our 10th anniversary plans or the final events themselves, but Dan was also in the middle of recording and touring his Fabric CD and subsequent album and we couldn't make the dates work until this year.. So to facilitate this, we've teamed up with the Sub Club to present this and complete the longest circle in our promoting career.

Tickets on sale at 10am, this Friday 16th Feb.

Don't wait another decade.

May the 4th be with you.

Join us.